A real Kaffee lightning strike (a.k.a. "Blitz") hits Ohio - an absolute event horizon of European Kaffee roaster/Coffeehouses... Das KaffeeHaus von Frau Burkhart - Europäisches KaffeeHaus und Gebäck (European Coffeehouse and Pastries).
Frau Burkhart brings a very edgy German coffeehouse feel and format that we discovered in the German underground scene and re-invents the modern American coffee house - shaking the current coffee establishment to its core!
A real Kaffee lightning strike (a.k.a. "Blitz") hits Ohio - an absolute event horizon of European Kaffee roaster/Coffeehouses... Das KaffeeHaus von Frau Burkhart - Europäisches KaffeeHaus und Gebäck (European Coffeehouse and Pastries).
Frau Burkhart brings a very edgy German coffeehouse feel and format that we discovered in the German underground scene and re-invents the modern American coffee house - shaking the current coffee establishment to its core!
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